

Following the Civil War, Texas as well as the other Southern states, was faced with many challenges in the aftermath of war. Property damage, loss of wages and workforces sent the Texas agrarian economy into a downturn while the government balanced on the brink of collapse. An influx of migrants in search of land and new life provided a stark contrast to the outlook of the newly freed men and women who were met with lingering injustices and limited opportunities.

Essential Questions

  1. What were the conditions in Texas following the Civil War?
  2. How did Texans respond to Presidential plans to bring them back into the Union?
  3. What were some of the key challenges Texas faced following the Civil War and during Reconstruction?
  4. How had the population of Texas changed after the end of the Civil War?

Teacher Tools

Student Activities


Reconstructon: The Civil War Ends and Reconstruction Begins by UNT Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license .


The page was updated on 02/21/2025.


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